By oopsie - 24/05/2009 14:50 - Canada

Today, I got a phone call from a number I didn't recognize. It was a man with a speech impediment, and I began imitating him. He was the manager of a store I applied at. He wanted to arrange an interview. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 061
You deserved it 245 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why would you imitate him? that's pretty rude.. ydi.

Definitely deserved that. It is never okay to be rude that way.


alexgisforme3 0

thats so fcking mean...and try to find a different job then...

lmmmr 0

How could you even post this? You're a disgusting human being. You deserve that and more.

Seriously, do you really think people would side with you? YDI x 1000

I hope it was your dream job that you went to college for and now you can't get it. That is seriously the meanest thing possible to do to someone like that over the phone.

Mr_Guy_Dude 17

That's a little harsh don't you think? Losing what you spent long years and hard work to accomplish and lose it all because of one mistake? I don't support what he did though, it was a dick move

That's not a mistake. He knew what he was doing. H had full control of his mind and body and made the conscious decision to do what he did.

FYL cuz you probably won't get that job now. You were just having some fun and I don't really blame you, it can be fun to make fun of people that sound weird (like deaf people, they sound like cavemen when they talk lol).

I agree with #10... that was wrong on so many levels, poor guy :(.

Today I called a guy about a job interview for the store i work at and he started mimicking my speach impediment that i am very touchy about. I feel dead inside now. FML

agree with #23 you defininatley deserved that