By oh why... - 20/12/2013 14:51 - United States

Today, I got a ransom note saying, "We have kidnapped your husband and won't release him unless you postpone the wedding." The wedding is tomorrow and it was in his handwriting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 455
You deserved it 4 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reminds me of the idiot who staged his own kidnapping to go out drinking with friends.

Oh those canny kidnappers. Forcing the hostage to write his own note!


victorcaulfield 3

He's just not that into you. Figure it out and move on.

You should ask him why he's having cold feet. Communication is key! But you may wanna draw pictures...he doesn't seem like he's the sharpest pencil in the case.

Wonder what will happen if you just cancel the wedding and just have a bit ol' party anyway. After all, you paid for the venue and the band; may as well have fun.