By oh why... - 20/12/2013 14:51 - United States

Today, I got a ransom note saying, "We have kidnapped your husband and won't release him unless you postpone the wedding." The wedding is tomorrow and it was in his handwriting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 455
You deserved it 4 493

Same thing different taste

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Reminds me of the idiot who staged his own kidnapping to go out drinking with friends.

Oh those canny kidnappers. Forcing the hostage to write his own note!


If he wrote the note, why would he say "husband" and not fiance?

I think I would rather have this happen... Then have him not show up at all to the wedding.

That would suck if he really was kidnapped and made him write it

Maybe the kidnappers made him write the note, so you couldn't trace their handwriting.

It always surprised me that people that stupid can still read and write...

brit628 7

You should tell the pretend kidnappers that they could keep him that you don't want him back and then you can call fiancé an ass for doing that to u