By Ariel - 02/06/2009 12:19 - Israel

Today, I got an "Enlarge your penis" email for the millionth time. I was about to dismiss it when I saw the FW: from my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 93 401
You deserved it 7 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

damnnn thats rough. forward her a breast enlargement offer

Haha ouch. Kind of a bitch way to give you the hint.


Jboolia 0

why don't you just talk to her about it? You're married so you guys should be able to talk about things like that... Anyway, she was probably joking. If not, FYL for being married to a bitch...

kingbeau 0

You people do realize that even if this is true, its a LOT more likely that his wife has a spam virus or whatever they're called? The kind that infects the computer and them spams everyone in the contact list with whatever they're selling? That's probably the reason for what #15 said too. For the op, FYL that you talk to, trust and know your wife so little AND are so insecure that the first conclusion you come to is that your wife thinks you have a pencil dick and, without letting on at all since the first time you used it, decided to let you know by forwarding spam! Brilliant powers of deduction you've got there. Well done sir.

erroneousx2 0

26, what are you talking about?

crap09 0

FOWARD ME THE EMAIL! I gotta try that. :P

She's probably joking or her computer's infected. If it's true, you're married to a superficial ****.

HAHA, she might of been joking though.


FINALLY! #38 ******* gets it. Genius_Bitch16 needs those pills


Rule of thumb, if you're smaller than your thumb then get the pill. Being small is okay, as long as it is small and fierce... Guessing neither applies