By Anonymous - 28/04/2013 19:53 - Saudi Arabia

Today, I got caught masturbating, twice, by the same person. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 267
You deserved it 75 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

look them in the eye and finish like a boss!

You shouldn't be doing it in public anyway.


I really hope the OP responds, there's gotta be more to this ish.

Caught me once, shame on me. Caught me twice, come on in.

OMG the same thing just happened to me.!!!!

Damn, that's blue balls for a week.. Lmao

If you were in a situation where you could lock the door, lock it and when whoever wants to come in say something like "Oh im sorry i mustve locked the door when i closed it. My bad."

Ohh that must be hard, especially since ur in KSA :/ i know how people consider it to be wrong and etc..

Did you ask them to help or join ya? Maybe that's why it's happened twice

This sounds like something my brother would do ...

muffinkitty 15

You might want to learn how to close a door before pleasuring yourself next time.