By bhnja_ - 18/04/2013 20:34 - Philippines - Mandaue

Today, I got cut from my track team. My coach told me it was because my sprints were "too fast" for his liking. Huh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 393
You deserved it 3 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"We're cutting you from the team because you're too good." Sounds legit.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

Maybe you were just making all the others on your team look bad ;3


Your coach is a low-level athlete.

Slow and steady wins the race, sorry, OP!

I'm sure there's some other underlying reason, either way, they're definitely taking a loss on this OP

The only plausible explanation is that he was maybe letting you down easy?

austx 3

It's sounds like I'm an idiot.

I showed this to my boyfriend who ran track in high school and he's raging. It's brought up memories about how they couldn't find a decent sprinter. And he's on a rant...

daydreamer244 13

lol he can't handle your awesome running skills.

perdix 29

These days, all the runners are supposed to join hands and cross the finish line at the same time while singing "Kum-Ba-Yah." Every kid gets a gold medal and a trophy and a picture alongside a cardboard cutout of Usain Bolt and a shoe deal!! Kids, today!

It makes sense if you don't think about it :D