By bhnja_ - 18/04/2013 20:34 - Philippines - Mandaue

Today, I got cut from my track team. My coach told me it was because my sprints were "too fast" for his liking. Huh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 393
You deserved it 3 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"We're cutting you from the team because you're too good." Sounds legit.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

Maybe you were just making all the others on your team look bad ;3


HOPPE612 5

that's what they tell you when you suck

implastikz 7

transfer to other school and beat your old team!

watchmerun11 10

Where do you do track? My season is almost over.

lamanthebeast 3

A similar thing happened to me except it was for being to slow

thats what you get. thinking you can be too talented and get away with it

'Murica. Where the fast runners run too fast for the coaches.

But this was in the Philippines. It should be more like "'Murica, where everyone assumes we're douche-bags".

RHCPmagik 0

He was just letting you off easy

puppynator 4

that make absolutly no sense

You must be Mr. Incredible's kid.