By Anonymous - 27/09/2015 12:21 - Australia

Today, I got detention from my teacher for not handing an assignment in. It would be understandable if I hadn't handed it in a week before it was due. She won't listen to reason. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 359
You deserved it 1 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Handing in assignments BEFORE they are due?!? ABSURD!

That's definitely an FYL. Teachers always lose the shit you hand in early.


Teaching is ruined by people who want power over the students.

The most important lesson I learned in school was that you should never trust anybody to do their job.

Thors_Hammer9999 17

could be worse, when I was in high school I turned in my final 10 page "thesis paper" on the symbolism in the Iliad and Odyssey and how the symbolism reflected Greek Mythology and could be applied to the modern age...two days later...last day of school the teacher asked me to stay after class....she claimed I never turned it in (she'd lost it) but it was OK cause I had the paper on 3in Floppy disk (flash drives were pretty new then and floppy disk were just on their way out) anyways I ran and printed her a 2nd copy of it and turned it in.......two weeks later I got my final report card....had an F in English for "failing to turn in my final paper"......had to retake the English class the following year.....I was mighty pissed

Your teacher should be drawn and quartered bruh

Always turn it in with everyone that way you can correct things if needed

That just affects your grade how can you get detention for that…?

rocketlinks 3

if the school has a policy on so many late papers equals a detention it can. The detention is so that students who repeated don't turn in work will work on it in the presence of a teacher and hopefully turn in late work at the end.

Teachers always lose stuff and blame it on you. It's good to keep record (picture) of your assignments so that you can prove that you did them.

christinamarie17 29

Happened to me in the second grade. At the time it was a recess detention but the teacher found my assignment over the weekend and actually apologized to me. Hopefully you can get your teacher to realize her mistake before you actually serve the detention (if you haven't already), but if not you may have a nice apology coming your way.