By fmexgirlfriend - 15/08/2009 05:30 - New Zealand

Today, I got dumped by my girlfriend of 4 years because I didn't know the exact amount of days that we'd been together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 501
You deserved it 6 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For some reason, I don't think that was the actual reason for why she dumped you. And if after four years, and that's her only reason, then... How did you guys manage to be together that long?

I wonder if this is the OP actually saying "I couldn't remember our anniversary" and has trivialised it by saying "exact number of days" :P


all yu had to do was multiply 365x3 then add that to 366 since one leap year had to happen.. still kinda ****** up.

turboawesome88 0

She actually gave you that reason? How old are you two, 12?

I don't even know the date that my boyfriend and I got together, and neither does he. Lol. We got together sometime in early September, so we just say that our anniversary is September 11. I think you might be making this story up, my good sir.

winemysavior 4

eh, there are some psychotic people out there. I knew this chick who got pissed off at her bf for getting her middle name wrong even though he was very close to it but off a few letters, also made him delete all his ****. some bitches ruin it for the women who are good. crazy girl though, maybe you're better off, but wow 4 years? why would shemake you count the days now instead of years ago? thankfully my bf and i dont do that! i only remember the anniversary date and thats it, dont need to be counting down days or celebrating each month. **** that shit.

oystersmoke 0

maybe her other boyfriend was away in the marines and you were just joe d.

starralchemist90 0
S3xiiiMaster 0

She Was Just Lookin For An Excuse Dude..... FYL

wayofftheline_fml 0

I agree with some others- that if she dumped u after 4 years, its definately not because of days. She should have thought of something better.

DevilDoodle 0

If she ACTUALLY dumped you because of something that stupid, I would be glad I'm not with such a stupid bitch. =)

halfglassfull 0

It sounds like you're better off without her.