By jesifairy - 13/04/2012 04:46 - Australia
jesifairy tells us more.
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ISo would
This is so romantic.
Duh? Who wouldn't! X)
If he was trying to be romantic, this was a kinda weird thing to say..
Whats the hardest part of a vegetable to eat? ...The wheelchair
Well you do sound quite delicious..
I still love you.
If you're into that kind of thing.
Mmmm, fish and chips. Sounds yummy and kinky if he's the chips...
Very kinky. She wants you inside of her.
she has a good theory
hahahahaha i loved the FML action!! comment buried!! haahahah
111 you should have just put an arrow sideways ( < ) pointing at your profile pic:p
Tell her to add salt and pepper as well.
Dont push it
Do vegetables have sexual desires?
You're an idiot.
A previous OP would say that zucchinis do...
Cucumbers have wicked souls
Why you here papaya nobody likes you.
Yes, yes they do. They're the most kinky, sexual produce. Even meat can't keep up with the wild vegetable.
Yes, but pineapples are much hornier than cucumbers.
Well at least she's creative, that is to be treasured.
Can't let a potato go to waste!
I read this in the spongebob narrater voice.
Did you mean a literal vegetable or, like, if she was in a coma?
-_- Smh.

ISo would