By jessiebear159 - 28/05/2015 07:04 - United States - Menahga

Today, I got engaged. When I called my father, who is out of state for a few days, to tell him, his response was, "What'd you do that for?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 389
You deserved it 2 901

jessiebear159 tells us more.

Thank you for congratulating me. I agree that my father's response was probably just from shock. He called me not long after we hung up the first time and apologized for reacting that way. I am the youngest of his children and his only daughter, he may just not be ready to let me go yet. He has only been married once, to my mother, and they have been married happily for 22 years. I appreciate the advice that was given and I plan to talk to him more about his concerns when he gets back this coming week.

Top comments

cooltatgar 31

"For ***** sake dad, for ***** sake"

I guess it depends on how old are you..anyways I'm sure you're old enough to make your own decisions. He could've been more supportive but I wish you the best


That sucks but congrats on getting engaged

My dad says that to me all the time, it's usually as a joke tho

This is something my father would say in this situation as well. He uses that phrase often and I even told him about this and he confirmed that, yes, he would say that.

sounds like something my dad would say... more sarcastically than anything else, though, Lol. fyl for sure though.

Omfgitsmia 15

Ah well then I understand. English is a tricky language on top of bad grammar utilized by most native speakers.

Congratulations on the engagement. My girlfriend of three years that I was going to purpose to just told me she cheated on me.

this reminds me of an instagram I saw @queen.qoals

leogachi 15

I would consider myself lucky. My dad would be angry that nobody asked for his permission, but I would never marry someone that did.

Congrats on the engagement!! Haha it sounds like your dad has a lovely sense of humor