By asshalf15 - 25/07/2014 20:19 - United States - Hacienda Heights

Today, I got expelled from school. I was walking down a flight of stairs when I tripped and bumped into a kid ahead of me by mistake. He fell forward and took half a dozen people down with him. The staff think I did it on purpose, and there's talk of charges being pressed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 505
You deserved it 4 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would go and see if there was video surveillance to prove it was an accident

askullnamedbilly 33

Isn't it innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around?


Okay, I'm closing comments because of a bunch of annoying "Fake because it's summer!" comments. This is a story from earlier this year that I'd hung onto for a while because I liked it. Summer school exists anyway, you twerps. God, now I need to punch Alan in the head a few more times to calm down.

Well did the kid you ran into make a big deal about it? Because I he did then op has a problem!