FML for mobile
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By Girafarig - 31/07/2009 06:44 - United States

Today, I was talking to my guy friend on the phone. He said, "You sound depressed, I should cheer you up and give you a big hug." Jokingly, I responded, "You wouldn't hug something as gross as me." His response? "You'd be surprised." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 278
You deserved it 44 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

d_hoffryn 0

That's what you get for fishing I'm afraid.


d_hoffryn 0

That's what you get for fishing I'm afraid.

cucuto89 0

agreed, she was askin for it

sorry had to put this up here. OMFG Q ******* Q not even close to an FML. Please moderate better people we all know he was probably joking and she is either fishing or too sensitive for her own good.

Yeah, wtf is up with all the girls on FML who ******* invite people to shit all over them and are surprised when they do. "Today. I was talking about how ugly I am and my friend didn't bask me in attention and tell me how pretty I am. FML." Don't be a such a whiny self-deprecating piece-of-shit and people won't treat you like one.

seb12992 0

Indeed. What kind of an idiot says something like "You wouldn't hug something as gross as me". That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

thats what you call social ************ :)

MiGman 5
L0veh8te 0

YDI for making a stupid comment at the end. You were Just asking for it.

YDI for choosing a Pokémon as your username. Actually, no, never mind; that's kind of hot.

You must be

I think this is actually kind of sweet. I don't think he meant that your gross but that you are more huggable than you realise, and contradictory to what you think, he would like to hug you.

kewl92 0

yeah I agree, I don't think this was that bad at all

Yeah, that's what I would think he said if I were in her position. Damn girl, get some self-esteem.

those were my thoughts too. he DID offer to hug her first.

^is right. even though it sounded harsh I dont think he meant it in a bad way. :)

Ew. You'd better put on a full-body condom before you let him hug you, then.

Good idea, then she suffocates and dies. Nice use of a little thing called logic.

Calm down. It was a joke. You know, something not meant to be taken seriously...

Trilogy 1

#5 I was thinking the same thing

Quit looking for a pity party. What the dude said sounds harmless, you're just looking into things. Poor guy for being generous!

GreenDaysGeekGrl 0

YDI. He told you what you didn't want to hear. Sucks for you. Get over it.

If you go fishin', don't complain about what you catch. Why Dee Eye...

skiBOAT 0

Well at least you're huggable. Now stop looking for praise.

YDI for trying to mess with his head. I hate how girls always say they are ugly fugly fat nasty whatever just because they think the guy will always say "Don't say that your not" well tough luck.

I hate how some men make sweeping judgements about the behaviour of all women on Earth based on the actions of a few.