By Anonymous - 26/03/2018 12:00 - United States

Today, I got fired because I abruptly hung up on my boss while being pulled over for talking in a hands free zone. I also got a $300 fine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 769
You deserved it 2 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorry, it is a bad day for you but if you were on the phone when you weren't meant to be then YDI because that could endanger other people and yourself

You deserve the fine, but not being fired. Have you explained why you had to hang up?


Under the circumstances, I'd say this qualifies as a wrongful termination suit...

raspution 21

Depends on the state some states allow you to be fired for any reason. others they have to jump through so many hoops they just keep the bad workers.

You shouldn't have been talking on your phone while driving unless you had it on speaker phone. And when you were pulled over, did you say, sorry, I gotta go, I'm being pulled over? That said, firing you for that--unless you've done other things that had you on their shitlist--is a dick move.

tounces7 27

If your place of business is requiring you to talk on the phone in unsafe situation in the first place you can legally go after them. And firing you on top of that? Yeah I'd Lawyer up.

anthonygh5 9

“ I broke the law and got in trouble” YDI