By thesixth - 01/03/2016 19:07 - Kenya

Today, I got fired for being late. Apparently you're supposed to be on time after your boss specifically tells you that the office will open an hour late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 407
You deserved it 1 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did they say 'the office will open an hour late' or 'come in an hour late'? There's a big difference, OP.

He probably meant the store is opening an hour late but it doesn't change the time you come in for your shift, as he didn't specifically say you get to come in late.


He didn't say to come late, he said the office would open late.

FilleNoir 21

To be safe you should've showed up 30 mins earlier than the time your boss said you guys were opening. If it was me, I would've watched Netflix on my phone.

Are you late often? It seems strange to get fired for being late one time. Usually you get warnings/written up first.

Sounds like the boss wanted you fired and just needed a reason to do it. I think he screwed with you on purpose.

sohigh10 34

Good god.. one simple mistake and they just immediately fire you? What the hell is wrong with bosses these days..

I would guess that a coworker called just to get you in trouble. Alternatively, if my boss said "the office will be open 1 hour late", I would think that instead of closing at 5:30 we'd be closing at 6:30. You should have verified what he meant.

But he didn't say the office would be open late, he said it would open late. There's a difference.

Something tells me you're not telling us the whole story. What's really his side of it?