By frustrated - 11/07/2013 04:52 - United States - Antioch
Same thing different taste
Wage slave
By Janet - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 21/03/2012 09:54 - United States - Sunnyvale
By Anonymous - 21/01/2016 03:16 - United States - Houston
By ElectroSpecter - 23/02/2019 14:00
By Anonymous - 09/11/2014 18:49 - United States - Springfield
By imalilangel05 - 10/02/2009 15:08 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/04/2009 01:07 - United States
How're you doing?
By figcurzyez - 23/05/2016 15:57 - United Kingdom - Harlow
By joshua - 25/01/2010 21:24 - United States
Because I'm worth it
By creepingjennie - 07/06/2020 02:11
Top comments
It was said that the cashier dismissed OP on sight of the medicated shampoo, but can't it be used for a variety of scalp conditions? It doesn't have to be just lice, OP could have been buying it for excessive dandruff. Did the bottle indicate it was specifically for lice? If not the cashier shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. Even so the cashier had no right to do what he did. It isn't his place to dictate who stays and goes; he should of been focusing on cashing out items instead of playing 'holier than thou'. I mean OP had already been in the store for an extended period of time to search of the shampoo so if anyone was going to catch lice wouldn't the damage have already been done? Deeming it plausible to just allow OP to make his purchase and leave? The cashier is an ignorant tool who just lost business and most likely a future customer. I hope OP had a better experience at a different establishment and OP's problem gets sorted out.
Actually, lice shampoo and dandruff shampoo use two completely different active ingredients and must be labeled correctly. You shouldn't use the lice one for dandruff, though the dimethicone in the dandruff shampoo is thought to coat the hair shaft to prevent a louse from being able to grasp on. In the event there is lice, however, dandruff shampoo won't get rid of them. You need the insecticide in the lice shampoo.
Add to all that the cashier was just assuming the the shampoo was for the OP. I know that in this case it was for the OP but still.. The OP could have just as easily been purchasing the shampoo for their child, a sibling, or a parent.
I get Op needed it but how does this jack ass cashier know its not for a child I file charges op
I don't think a cashier can deny your service because of a condition. That's a against policy or some shit like that.
Not unless Op has something that is highly contagious and a danger to the public.
Whatever happened to work place ethics? I'd punch this idiot. If I was being kicked out of a store for doing nothing, I'd sure as hell give them a good reason.
As a cashier you can't tell a person to leave based on what their buying otherwise why would the store order that product if it would be a problem?
Jeeze, OP, that was lousy of that pesty clerk! It must have really bugged you to have such a vermin wiggle himself into your hair. Don't let him being such an itch make you scratch your head in irritation! If he gets under your skin, OP, squash him like a bug, groom yourself well, enjoy your new protein source! Monkey see, monkey do!
I hope you got his name so you can give him a bad costumer review. This guy is literally too stupid to insult.
As are you when you can't spell something as simple as customer.
^ It's called autocorrect being a bitch, as are you.
When my daughter had it I wound up using white vinegar with a plastic bag around her head. Had to leave it on for about an hour, but it smothered them and made them and their eggs swell up so they were easier to find and remove. Still had to use a comb from one of the kits and the egg spray on my furniture, as well as running everything through the dryer and vacuuming the whole house twice, but it finally got them. So you might still have to go to another store. Sorry they were crappy to you. When I was a cashier I'd sell them the stuff and ask if they wanted to hear a home remedy. Hopefully the next cashier is nicer!
Olive oil mixed with a little Tea Tree oil and combed through your hair and left in for at least 8 hours (you can cover your head with a shower cap or plastic bag) will do the trick. I left it in over night and washed it out with tea tree oil based shampoo. It works great and no one is going to know why you are getting those things. :)
This is an outstanding method to take care of those pesky critters. Less expensive and highly effective.
hair colors work wonders too. Just don't go to a professional salon.
Next time grab the shampoo and make a run for it... "To protect the other customers" lol
I'm pretty sure he's not allowed to do that. You left without asking for the manager?