By frustrated - 11/07/2013 04:52 - United States - Antioch

Today, I got head lice, so I went to a store to buy medicated shampoo. When checking out the cashier saw my shampoo and asked me to leave immediately to protect the other customers. He didn't let me buy the shampoo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 840
You deserved it 3 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time grab the shampoo and make a run for it... "To protect the other customers" lol

I'm pretty sure he's not allowed to do that. You left without asking for the manager?


cottoncandymango 17

Resort to another store and a better cashier. Damn, cashiers are so nosy these days.

You could always go to different store and make your way to the pharmacy. Talk to the pharmacist saying your little sister/brother got sent home with a case if live and would the product you picked out work? That way you can buy it back there and save face.

It doesn't make any sense! Why do they sell head lice shampoo if people are not allowed to bye it? It's seems wrong and stupid!

Although I don't phantom you having ever having a head lice problem. lol.

That was lousey logic he used. He does know it can't spread by standing next to them. right? I think he was trying to do a lice thing but his logic was flawed.

myoukei 31

I can only imagine what this guy would do if she was buying medicated lip balm for a cold sore....

Lice can actually jump from one head to another, so, yes, you can get it from standing next to someone

Exactly. I had some guy come in when I was cashiering once, and he had a little girl with him. I shoved myself back from the counter when I saw her scratching then saw the dreaded pestilence falling out. I took his money with shaking hands, absolutely horrified, and ran to the back as soon as they left to sanitize. Nasty!

Unacceptable! An easy fix would be to say you are picking it up for a friend/parent/sibling/child etc.

So when you go to a store to buy food, you stand a chance of spreading the hunger around too? Smdh

That sucks, OP. I got lice back in December after working in a classroom of second graders. They certainly aren't easy to get rid of and lice shampoo isn't cheap. = Plus, all the laundry and stuff you have to fun. I hope you get some shampoo soon! Also...I hope I stop itching soon. I hate talking about lice...itchy itchy...

Complete idiot of a cashier... Lice can't jump, so they have to be spread by direct contact. Last time I checked, people don't randomly go around rubbing heads!