By frustrated - 11/07/2013 04:52 - United States - Antioch

Today, I got head lice, so I went to a store to buy medicated shampoo. When checking out the cashier saw my shampoo and asked me to leave immediately to protect the other customers. He didn't let me buy the shampoo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 840
You deserved it 3 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time grab the shampoo and make a run for it... "To protect the other customers" lol

I'm pretty sure he's not allowed to do that. You left without asking for the manager?


allisadawn91 8
Chibitalia180 6

Here's an idea. Instead of using shampoo to get it out, get someone to comb your hair with a wide-toothed comb or a brush to get the lice out. Make sure to do this outside, or you may have lice running around your house! :)

As a cashier, I know that this kind of shit is generally NOT tolerated. You should have reported him!

was it the only cash register? i would have picked up the shampoo and went to a different cash register, hopefully all the cashiers arent as idiotic!

This fml needs a extra comma. I got lost on the second sentence =_=

mix 2 parts home kerosene (the blue stuff) with 3 parts cheap shampoo. Shake thoroughly. Wash as normal, but leave it in to soak for half an hour before rinsing out... wash with usual shampoo to try and mask the smell... lice and nits should be dead :) I agree, the pharmacist is a......... (insert insult here)

umm if you were too embarrassed to admit it or really needed to fool that idiot, you could've said it was for your kid brother or something like that.

That's so stupid; you're trying to buy the stuff to protect the public (as well as yourself), yet you're harming the public by trying to buy the stuff?

fml_seriously316 13

I am positive that you cannot do that if you are a cashier. Op, go back and demand the manager come out.