By Anonymous - 14/09/2014 16:38 - Ghana - Accra

Today, I got high for the first time. Apparently I called my vet and told him my goldfish was barking. I found out when he called me back later to make sure we were both okay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 645
You deserved it 20 850

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Plot twist: you don't even have a goldfish, but you have got a very wet dog...


This is funny. I think it's sweet your vet called back to check on you. Maybe next time no phone calls while high. Have fun.

penguin_bitchez 15

I can't believe how many people are laughing and saying this is awesome. I clicked YDI the second I read that OP intentionally got high. You're lucky all you did was call your vet, OP; the situation could have ended a lot worse. Next time, don't do drugs. Problem solved.

JCal585 8

Oh? And what other terrors could have consumed her? A bag of Doritos and a couch? Marijuana isn't a drug, it's a plant. Sugar is more of a drug than marijuana is, eat responsibly!

I forgot they had smartphones in africa, especially in ghana

You clearly were high if you called a vet about a goldfish

Happens to the best of us mate. Happy smoking. Be safe. p.s. Goldfish dont bark.They scream. :P

xkatiexhx 5

Hey when I got high for the first time I offered a guy a bj, hj and the middle of the high street...and I screamed it.

JCal585 8

I wouldn't share that story... That's one I would keep to myself..

JCal585 8

Idiots like you retard any growth the legalization movement had. You should be ashamed of your stupidity and your inability to handle a perfectly mild substance.

really simple but revolutionary solution: dont get high dumbass