By anon - 21/06/2014 12:50 - United States - Edison

Today, I got hit by a car while walking into the hospital to visit my wife, who had also gotten hit by a car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 932
You deserved it 4 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you were close to a hospital?

That is the very definition of irony. At least you two can share a room now


cars people don't get well together in. some.cases... hope you and your wife get well soon..

kacironi 13

You can't cheat death. Apparently you were supposed to be hit by the same car . (Final destination)

you all need to learn how to cross the street

If you read the fml, OP was hit as he/she was walking into the hospital. Not crossing the street.

cryssycakesx3 22

he had to be walking somewhere that cars were driving though...

Respect101 17

#24 who says he wasn't walking across the street? could have been either possibilties.

or he could have been walking thru the parking lot crossing a lane. I highly doubt the car drove thru the lobby of the hospital. seeing as its not all over the news

Well atleast you are ok!Take the good things

Well hopefully you get to share a room with your wife