By jadakorn - 11/07/2009 13:48 - United States

Today, I got home and threw my phone onto my bed as usual. This time it bounced out the window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 391
You deserved it 139

Top comments


Use your bed as a trampoline , bounce out the window , and get your phone back . Your must have a pretty high/bouncy bed & a low/close window , sounds very unrealistic unless you whip your phone down .

Well, you know what they say. If you love something, let it go...


i literally lol'd at ur comment, as with some of the other ones. i lol'd really hard when i first read the fml. XDDDDDDD

lol soooo funny but uhhmm... most windows have screens so im not sure this is true.... all the windows in my house have screens... but lol so funny!

You leave your window opened when you leave the house?

i always do , but i live on a high floor so i have nothing to worry about. when you close it, its gets really hot & stuffy! but they could also be a teenager and their parents were probably home. thats what i first thought, i do it all the time too.

ya #45 i was gonnna ask the same question

I laughed my ass off picturing the moment! This is a good FML

lol123mely 0

lmao, damm thats sucks, but it paints a funny picture xD fake or not fake, funny.

jeremymg91 0

GAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA frikken hilarious, should've gone after it out the window XD. But wait... is your bed really that bouncy and how close was your window anyway? =|

hahaha :') that's brilliant. i've done something similar, a friend asked to borrow my phone to send a text, so i threw it at her and it went out the open window behind her :') i think that was a combination of a bad throw and a very bad attempt at catching.

lovelykendra5 0