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By cupcakelady127 - 23/03/2011 11:25 - United States

Today, I got into a wreck thanks to a big flashing sign on the highway that said, "Keep your eyes on the road" that distracted me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 287
You deserved it 17 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel you on that one. I used to be awestruck by shiny and flashing objects, but then I turned seven.

FYL for someone's idiotic idea to make a giant flashing sign. YDI because it shouldn't take you more than half a second to read it, especially if it's that big and flashy.


boo11 0


Xravak 0

You're* don't call someone stupid when you can't spell "you're". ****

Xravak 0

Yeah but that was just a typo. The "you're" wasn't though.

YDI for reading the sign then ignoring it by hitting someone. :P

it shouldnt take more than a second to read and what did you do? rear end someone? it was a turn and you kept going straight? dumbass

says the person who cant even spell "the" (:

#27, maybe his caps lock key got jammed and won't work anymore... <-- another FML from a few days back :P

jordanprodigy023 0

That's pathetic you should get your license revoked

I agree with miss shocker here. you are not suppose to stare at the sign. just a quick glance. what a ra tard

You spell retard like Alan from the Hangover.

yeah that's great. Blame the sign. MORON YDI!

SmallyBigs 9

"Today, some idiot rear ended me because he took more than a quick second to read a sign. now I'm late to work and lost my job. FML"

I feel you on that one. I used to be awestruck by shiny and flashing objects, but then I turned seven.

Lol, I've read stories of people skiing into hidden signs that say "Ski safely." The signs were hidden so that you don't see them until it's too late to avoid them...

TexasMud 8

OP is a late bloomer, can't help it

Haha, could that sign be any more counterproductive? Keep your eyes on the road, OP ;)

A7X_LoVeee 10

My history teacher had one in the front of her room that said "pay attention" needless to say I didn't. No worries I passed that class with a ninety seven average. :D

BugsBunny1 4

FYL for someone's idiotic idea to make a giant flashing sign. YDI because it shouldn't take you more than half a second to read it, especially if it's that big and flashy.

bentley55 0

I love eggnog too! too bad it's only sold during winter!! :(

That's why I sometimes make it from scratch. And also why I drink three gallons of it during the month of December.

Lubpynk 0

A sign shouldn't distract you that much, if it does maybe you shouldn't be driving! some people really shouldn't have a license.

This OP is the reason girls are judged on their driving!

I have a driving phobia, so I walk or bike everywhere. Considering how often I crash just doing THAT I guess I shouldn't bother with a license anytime soon. While I like to think I rep the ladies pretty well I'm ashamed to admit I ****** us over with this stereotype.