By oooooopss - 01/04/2012 06:44 - United States - Portland

Today, I got into my car and it wouldn't start. I noticed I had left the lights on and assumed the battery was dead. Then, I couldn't get my key out of the ignition. So, I called AAA only to have the guy put my car in park and start the engine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 869
You deserved it 29 499

Same thing different taste


perdix 29

We all ought to chip in and buy you a bus pass. Society would be better off without you driving.

We shouldn't be worried about her when we're on the road, she can't get on it.

kiraleann 16

People are acting so snotty about this FML, like they've never made a mistake. "You accidentally left your car in neutral? PLEASE DON'T EVER DRIVE." Puh-leez, as you can see from a lot of the comments here it's actually quite common, and I highly doubt that every person that has accidentally not shifted their vehicle all the way into park before shutting the car off is a terrible driver.

daltonromanowski 11

Welcome to FML, population: all the assholes.

slimjim8094 12

The argument could be made that it's evidence of poor situational awareness and poor critical thinking. I've done this before. My reaction? Hmm that's odd, why might it not turn over? The dash is fine... Oh, the shift lever. Duh. About 30 seconds.

I'm glad your gender is not specified. The last thing we need is another woman perpetuating that stereotype.

doozie001 2

Don't worry I've done that too

Mowampa 1

Are you a non-male by any chance?

Ha, the same thing happened to me, except I eventually figured it out on my own

I don't have an automatic car, why does it let you take the key out if the car isn't parked?

kiraleann 16

You usually can't take the keys out if the car isn't in park, they probably left them in the ignition.