By oooooopss - 01/04/2012 06:44 - United States - Portland

Today, I got into my car and it wouldn't start. I noticed I had left the lights on and assumed the battery was dead. Then, I couldn't get my key out of the ignition. So, I called AAA only to have the guy put my car in park and start the engine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 869
You deserved it 29 499

Same thing different taste


- Male (there's a reason men's insurance rates are so much higher!) - Originally from Texas

I've done this too... my car would actually let you take the key out, you just couldn't start it again. In my case a friend had drove my car and left it in neutral (they were used to driving a stick), and it took me about 5 minutes to figure it out, only because I didn't think it was possible to get the key out if it wasn't in park. But hey, you live and learn (hopefully).

^ Exact same thing happened to me when I first had my license with my mom's car. The key was so worn, you could pull it out while it was still running or in drive, so it completely threw me off. Only difference was, it took you 5 minutes to figure it out, while it took me 15. ;)

Don't worry OP. it has happened to many people even me. Yeah you feel pretty stupid but once it happens it'll never happen again. Haha.

KiddNYC1O 20

That's happened to me but I realized in like 3 seconds...

SharaRocksXD 0

Dumb blonde moment! It's ok everybody in the entire world gets those!!

Im sorry op but i just had to lol at this if I tired to start mine while it was in gear it will jerk forward and still try to start

That happened to me once. I ended up freaking out and had to call and wake my grandmother up to have her drive across town and help me. Granted, I was 17 at the time and had only been licensed to drive by myself for a couple of months and had no idea it was even possible for something like that to happen. But after that I sure remembered to always check the gears more carefully!

coming next time? dude where is my car!?