By StrandedWhale - 03/11/2013 07:21 - United Kingdom

Today, I got knocked over at the park by a rampant dog. My fiancé stood by laughing his ass off as I repeatedly tried to stand up, only to be knocked back down again. I'm seven months pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 833
You deserved it 5 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

transcedental 18

This is the first time I actually say 'Fuuuck' while reading an FML, and I've been around here for years. This is too brutal for a pregnant lady, he should've taken care of you. Sorry, OP, I hope you're alright.


fooltemptress 36

Is it bad that the only thing I can picture in my head while reading this FML is a turtle on its back trying to roll over? That said, your boyfriend should have helped you. You and your unborn baby could have been seriously hurt.

He should've taken waaaaaay better care of you and your unborn child. Tell him off, OP!

I wouldn't do a thing for him for a long time

I wouldn't even let my husband been knocked down twice, I'd probably laugh once I checked if he was alright though. I find that disturbing however that your fiancé thought it was funny to see you being knocked down in your current situation. Either he is extremely stupid or he doesn't care much for your safety and the baby's. In both case: FYL

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Any of those things could have happened. Being heavily pregnant is strenuous enough on the body without being repeatedly knocked on the ground by someone's dog. Yes, the baby could have been hurt, dogs are unpredictable. Even well-trained dogs. The dog could have head butted her in the stomach, or done any number of things including the things you mentioned. When someone is pregnant, there should be concern for the well being of both the mother and child in a situation like this, and with him there was none. That's not okay, whether she was "seriously hurt" or not.

I hate to piss on your logic, 17 but there are two important facts you're ignorant of. 1. In the third trimester baby is taking up a lot of space and the layers of fluid and tissue protecting baby are stretched quite thin. 2. All of the mother's joints are loosened up by hormones leaving her body much more prone to injury.

@SkullSphnix, it's hard to tell people not to be sympathetic to a pregnant lady knocked over by a dog then laughed at by her fiancé. We won't know all of the context unless OP posts a follow up.

frizz101 22

As stated before me you're wrong, but they also forgot to mention that when a women in their third trimester, something as small as falling could cause premature labor. Even if the baby was unharmed the woman's body is still in distress and could start going into labor to try and save the baby, that's why before modern Medicean women were encouraged to take bed rest in the last trimester. By the way OP I hope you and your baby are fine and I hope your fiancé isn't the complete jerk he seems like.

All of the above on top of the fact that even a voluntary jerky movement can cause the placenta to begin to separate from the uterine wall because of stress from all of the extra weight. If you don't understand how that is dangerous then you should take a class. The risk of injury is even higher if she is high risk. Not to mention that the baby could have a defect that can make falls or overexertion(such as struggling to get up repeatedly) even more dangerous. Even if her pregnancy is normal and low-risk, this is not cool.

Hey did you know that cars have air bags. Some even in the sides. Great protection. BUT OH WAIT. People still ******* die in car crashes. Why is that? They had protection and everything.

cryssycakesx3 22

#17: although there's some faulty logic, I mostly agree. but I pictured her getting knocked on her butt and the dog mounting her back. pregnant ladies topple everyday. sure Mr Fiancee should have helped her, but I think the reactions on here are a little over the top.

Have #17 or #116 ever been pregnant? If not, quit making stupid comments.

xpokeloverx 6

You have obviously never been pregnant. I suffered a partial placental abruption after I was knocked down by a rude asshole. That means the placenta became partially detached from the uterine wall. I could have easily lost my daughter or even died myself

cryssycakesx3 22

I forgot you have to be pregnant to know about the body. apologies.

xpokeloverx 6

You obviously don't know anything about pregnancy

Rainhawk94 27

This man is already failing as a dad

Please tell me that the dog got bored and instead went over to head butt your fiancé in the dick.

olpally 32

I hope the dog bit his dick off. What an asshole thing to do.

sarahbevan20 11

So then he cant make any more babies to put in danger.

I don't understand how anyone could vote "you deserved it" on this one.

CrazyGirlfriend 21

I'm really hoping a lot of people pressed it by accident!!!

When is watching a pregnant lady fall ever funny, especially when it involves your lady, unborn baby, and an uncontrolled dog?