By StrandedWhale - 03/11/2013 07:21 - United Kingdom

Today, I got knocked over at the park by a rampant dog. My fiancé stood by laughing his ass off as I repeatedly tried to stand up, only to be knocked back down again. I'm seven months pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 833
You deserved it 5 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

transcedental 18

This is the first time I actually say 'Fuuuck' while reading an FML, and I've been around here for years. This is too brutal for a pregnant lady, he should've taken care of you. Sorry, OP, I hope you're alright.


That's screwed up. Hope you and the baby are ok OP.

Hey... um.... just a general question to the ladies.... why do you all like assholes? Op's man sounds like a douche, and most of you seem to go for assholes like this. Why? Op, hopefully your man wises up or you find someone better.

Nice stereotyping. Not all women are alike you know.

Valiumknights44 12

why are all guys assholes? there's another broad generalization for you!

Not only should he have helped you, but the dogs owner should have stopped their dog. You can most likely press charges on the dogs owner.

Well you've got a winning fiancé and dad right there, good luck.

cryssycakesx3 22

at least no one rubbed her belly in PA...

juarezj96 12

Oh my gosh! That's so scary. Hope all is well and you make him pay

What the hell?? I don't see how this was a laughing matter. Jerk

That's not nearly funny. It would be if you wern't pregnant but falling could hurt the baby!

Oh my god that's TERRIBLE , he doesn't care for you nor for your child :s dump him , you can't go on with a guy like this !!!