By Rowan Curry - 15/09/2012 15:37 - United States - San Jose

Today, I got mad at my parents and threatened to run away. Things got so bad that I packed a bag and left, planning to hide in my front yard to teach them a lesson. It's been two hours, and I'm still standing behind a bush in front of my house while they make no effort to look for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 671
You deserved it 49 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dblocker 18

They're not going after to you because they know you'll be back when it's dinner time.


Yankeefan31 0
razzledazzle21 23

Let me guess, you're eight years old?

I did that too! When I was 6. I got bored and tired so I went back home after I went a block. Seriously? Threatening to run away? They obviously knew you were seeking attention and didn't want to waste energy.

hateevryone 14

In the front yard though? Really? They probably knew you were there.

DoxIxHAVExTo 10

How are you able to access the internet if you're outside? Oh, right. You probably have a computer on you or even an iphone. You know, the one your parents probably wasted money on so your spoiled, bratty ass can have it.

Mr_Serious 6

Are you a ******* 3 year old? If so why are you on this site?

You should have stopped at the point when you thought "I'll teach them a lesson". Usually, when someone says that, they're about to do something stupid to themselves in order to cause emotional hurt to others, and that's just wrong. And no, they probably won't be looking for you for at least twelve hours, or until you miss a curfew - two hours to them is probably just you throwing a tantrum, which is basically what you're doing. Unless, like someone said above, the argument was a serious one over abuse of any kind, go back inside. The longer you leave it the harder it will be, because you'll be either embarrassed or angry (or both) that your ruse was seen through, and then there will be another argument.

Your a dumbass!! just because mommy and daddy don't give you what you want is not a reason to fake runaway. Understand now u spoiled brat life's not fair get over it! There are kids who are verbally, mentally,and physically abused every day and ur not one of them