Our house, in the middle of our street
By Anonymous - 05/09/2011 10:59 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 05/09/2011 10:59 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 24/05/2010 17:12 - Canada
By college kid - 31/07/2010 04:39 - United States
By Merserve - 09/07/2020 02:00
By Anonymous - 31/12/2010 08:12 - United States
By Moving On - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States
By OhLovely - 01/11/2012 01:39 - Canada - Mississauga
By Sky - 25/07/2018 01:30
By AlwaysTired - 14/09/2016 14:57 - United States
By Sad and hungry - 22/01/2024 15:00 - United States
By Rowan Curry - 15/09/2012 15:37 - United States - San Jose
Tell them its time for a nursing home :D
I'm guessing they didn't come to visit.
Borrow their car and other expensive 'things' and forget to give it back.
Do these said parents also happen to have contemplated on how to kill cat?
13- Homicide**** :$
Sounds like it's time for you to use the attic as a dungeon. :-)
Or... Simply ask them up front when they were they planning on getting their own place? If you have your own place it is safe to assume you are of an age where you either have a family or can start one, use that old gem as your clincher and you should be sweet ;)
Any1 else get scared of 94's pic?
Sounds like it's time to tell them to gtfo
Good luck OP, hope you don't get grounded!
Send them a rent bill
Haha, yeah, that's a good idea!
Maybe they did it on purpose.
mail them to Florida like everyone else
or Australia
**** off we're full
Hawaii's nice this time of year
I'm with 30... We have enough asylum seekers rocking up ATM
#72, the population density of our deserts is comparable to that of America's. Go dump your old people over there.
Got a better idea: Dump the old people in Antarctica. It's relatively empty.
Aww, thanks. It's nice to know we have a good international reputation :) Come and visit; we need tourists! Don't overstay your visa though, or we might ship you off to the slums of Malaysia ;)
Charge them rent, if they want to live in your house. Bet that will get them to leave. :D They sound like moochers. Also, are they senile or something, so you can't get rid of them?
over where? Ohhh you mean their*?
Tell them its time for a nursing home :D
Send them a rent bill