By MattBC97 - 27/03/2012 16:24 - United States - Aurora

Today, I got more happy birthday wishes on my porn account than my Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 036
You deserved it 31 003

MattBC97 tells us more.

DAMN IT now I got more Happy Birthday wishes on FML than my **** account... Shit.

Top comments

Nightwing98 22

You know your life sucks when....

at least you know the people on the **** website care about you


combatbunny 9

lolz that's not the worst thing to ever happen on a birthday

Well, here's one more for you. Happy birthday!

getting any hot present from the **** site

Rick_E_Fresh 0

pornstars have feelings too :)

baseballlegitly0 2

Maybe this is an indication of why you got so few FB messages... Stop jacking off to **** and go make some damn friends!!!

Happy Birthday! Hope it's a good one!! At least people gave you a happy birthday, I'm really sorry, but I hope it's fun!

I think OP might have meant an automated message from the site's administration...