By MattBC97 - 27/03/2012 16:24 - United States - Aurora

Today, I got more happy birthday wishes on my porn account than my Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 036
You deserved it 31 003

MattBC97 tells us more.

DAMN IT now I got more Happy Birthday wishes on FML than my **** account... Shit.

Top comments

Nightwing98 22

You know your life sucks when....

at least you know the people on the **** website care about you


Minnesota_Chelse 0

.......obviously? What a dumb question.

BellaMarta 19
Tdevonner 0

Ugh ppl annoy me when they say stuff lije "its just fb"...THEY re the ones focusing on social media. People like me on the other hand get pissed cuz the unreceived bday wishes were supposed to come from REAL ppl via phone, email, smoke signal, or FB...

Tdevonner 0

The thing is, almost everybody is on fb plus it gives u bday notifications and makes it easy to if ur "friends n loved ones" cant bother to take 15sec of their life to say HBD then hiw much do they care bout you. The actual communication medium(fb) is not the issue.

Tdevonner 0

On the other hand his "friends" on **** sites n fml realise all ppl deserve a lil revognition for being alive. They actually are caring more than his "friends"...sad indeed. Op, I am so sorry fyl...and many many more :-)

Jackasss_fml 14

See **** is good in soooooo many ways now.... Takes good "care" of you:)