By light_talker - 14/01/2010 19:04 - United States

Today, I got my cell phone bill. I pay for 700 minutes per month. I used 9 last month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 472
You deserved it 17 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I use hardly any minutes, but hundreds of text messages. I don't like talking on the phone much.

What? People say it's bad when you talk too much on your phone, but it's a problem when you don't talk enough?


Clearsky18 2

I don't use my phone too much either, but 9 minutes? You should go to your plan's store and change your plan ASAP! OR! You should get pay as you go.

Fail_Pig 0

Wow, I really can't post symbols? That's stoopid.

How about instead of changing his plan, why doesn't the OP go out and make friends? :)

ok, you just totally made my day! thanks!

andrei_btz 0

the plan you currently have is meant either for business people or for people with many friends, so I suggest you get facebook or something

softballer22 0

@#16 you're amazing for quoting iCarly. :D OP- get prepaid phone if you use that little.

That is why I do prepaid. I buy $10 worth a month.

beccaxoxo88 0

u need to get a cheaper phone plan. whybon earth did u get a plan with si manu minute?

Matty1188 6

Yeah, that's why cell phone companies offer plans for light talkers. YDI

talk more or switch plans. your choice.