By Activesleeper - 24/09/2017 11:59 - Australia - Flinders

Today, I woke up to 7 texts about the data overage charges that were accrued last night while I slept. Apparently my phone used nearly 8 GB of data, with no apps open, while I was sound asleep, leaving me with a $63 fee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 155
You deserved it 442

Same thing different taste

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Shit, this is like the conclusion of a modern day ghost story. "But when the OP awoke the next morning, their phone had used $63 worth of data—without any apps open! OooooooOOOOooooo!"

Check your setting, under cellular data it should show what apps used data, and when. Some phones even let you to individually toggle what apps are allowed to use your cellular data.


Maybe you were sleepwatching premium content. I won’t speculate it was top-shelf ****, but shame on you!

patshort 5

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Shit, this is like the conclusion of a modern day ghost story. "But when the OP awoke the next morning, their phone had used $63 worth of data—without any apps open! OooooooOOOOooooo!"

A similar thing has happened to me. The messages are delayed and then sent all at once. I've gone over my data that way too. Give your phone company a call, it's part of their contract to prewarn you if you're going to go over.

They did warn her, she woke up to the messages. She didn't say they came all at once, probably over the course of the night. She may also have her phone set to Do Not Disturb for overnight.

Check your setting, under cellular data it should show what apps used data, and when. Some phones even let you to individually toggle what apps are allowed to use your cellular data.

You should also check the settings and make sure "automatic updates allowed while on data" is disabled.

Lobby_Bee 17

Check your phone for virus, malware, and trojen. Your phone could be infected and have programs that run in the background sending and receiving data.

cheshireau 26

They are from Australia. We don't have that Telco here.

Download an app recently that overrode your WiFi download only? Did your settings get switched to Data for auto updating a phone? Check those settings and find out what used the data in the first place under Data usage!

Check your settings. On my phone I can set it so that if it goes over a certain amount it'll automatically shut off my data so I dont go over. I usually set it to 0.02 below my plan. It'll also show me how much data each of my apps is using.

Something like that happened to me once. What happened was, I had an iPhone and the personal hotspot setting was on. I plugged my phone into my computer to charge it, and my laptop started using my phone's data instead of the WiFi