By Anonymous - 25/09/2016 04:27 - United States - Cabot

Today, I got my dog some weight loss formula food, as she is very overweight. This new food makes her have horrible gas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 742
You deserved it 2 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ApeTheGreatApe 11

I have the same problem except that the dog is my grandfather. And that he's not overweight, he's just regularly gassy

Give her a few days to get used to the food, sometimes changing an animals diet can take a couple of days adjusting and terrible gas/toilet breaks. If it continues, try a different brand.


Hey, OP here. To the people who say "YDI": I live in the south and it is summer. It is usually too hot for walks for me and her. She is 6 years old and still loves the play and run around. She is perfectly healthy. But now that it's fall we will definitely be going out more. We walk around the neighborhood once, get some water, then go another lap. she is definitely a happy healthy dog:)

The standard on NEEDING to slowly switch a dogs food ove the course of several days is only relevant for cheaper dog foods that have a lot of unwanted ingredients (fillers, biproducts, meals, and chemicals) if you are feeding your dog a healthy brand of food that meets certain standards, you can switch foods endlessly without upsetting their little stomachs. That said, if the gass lasts for more than a few weeks, you should consider switching to a limited ingredient diet in order to narrow down what might be causing the stomach upset. REMEMBER, your pup is no different from you on that front. you would ask yourself WHY if you were that gassy, and the poor dear might be also having the nasty gas pains that often accompany excessive gas. She cant tell you that shes uncomfortable. Something is not agreeing with her. shopping at a speciality higher standard pet food store (not persmart and such) can help you make good choices for your dogs health, as foods have to meet certain criteria to even be on the shelf at thoes places. You will not find kibble and bits, or benefil, of whatever other crap some companies try to sell as dog food in stors like red bandana or unleashed. If you cant afford much, welness brand is the best choice offered in normal pet stores.

Don't worry, it's just the fat rapidly evaporating :)