By Anonymous - 25/09/2016 04:27 - United States - Cabot

Today, I got my dog some weight loss formula food, as she is very overweight. This new food makes her have horrible gas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 742
You deserved it 2 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ApeTheGreatApe 11

I have the same problem except that the dog is my grandfather. And that he's not overweight, he's just regularly gassy

Give her a few days to get used to the food, sometimes changing an animals diet can take a couple of days adjusting and terrible gas/toilet breaks. If it continues, try a different brand.


Shadowvoid 33

Well that's how they lose all of the weight, they let it all out. It takes energy to create a fart.

She was just fat, now she's fat and gassy?!?? You're really ****-blocking that bitch!

You've got to mix her old food with her new food over a period of at least a week. Gradually adding more of the new and less of the old. That will help prevent gas and stomach issues. Also make sure it doesn't have a lot of fillers in it like corn, soy, wheat, or grains. That just makes them feel full and are not actually getting the nutrition they need.

it won't go away you ever been around a vegan woooo they are gas factories of death.

You might want to look into a slow feeder bowl and meats for your dog to help with her diet. The slow feeder bowl will make getting food in certain areas difficult and the meat is healthy for her

It's probably because dog's stomachs are much more sensitive than ours and you can't just change their food out of nowhere because their stomach will get really upset. Next time try starting out by mixing some of her old food with the new food and with each feeding add a little less and a little less of the old food. It's much easier on their stomachs. You're lucky it's just gas and not worse.

Exercise and a raw diet. No treats. Works wonders.