By Username - 02/08/2011 14:52 - United States

Today, I got my eyebrow pierced. By a fish hook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 504
You deserved it 5 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RandomChickXD 0

free piercings are the best kind of piercings!

coffeeandcream 8

hey, it's better to get your eyebrow pierced than your eye.


I guess you could say you are hooked on piercing's. ;P

xGraycloud 4

Ouch! How the **** did THAT happen?

Getting a real piercing was too mainstream, eh Hipster?

Any kind of eyebrow gauges doesn't sound too nice.

How does it look? To be truthful, I don't much fancy eyebrow piercings. But with a fish hook? That might work,

mismonroe 0

Yay! Now you are also clichè.

Must have been a bitch to get back out again.

How did it get in there in the first place? And I imagine the piercing is larger then usual.....

That happened to me one time! :D except it was my nose.....i should have kept it.

skylerXx 6

Is it good piercing? Cause if it is, I'd be all up for it.