By Username - 02/08/2011 14:52 - United States

Today, I got my eyebrow pierced. By a fish hook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 504
You deserved it 5 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RandomChickXD 0

free piercings are the best kind of piercings!

coffeeandcream 8

hey, it's better to get your eyebrow pierced than your eye.


franticravyn 7

Just be thankful it was your eyebrow, not your crotch...

Lesson learned. No fishing for you.

crazychick1269 7

That happened to me before!!! Except it was on my ear....

OakChair 14

I have this mental image of a fish hook decorated in glitter with peace signs everywhere. Hey, for the fashion-conscious fishermen, anything goes.

LolMoqz 10

I'll fix it for him. P I E R C I N G S , you're doing it wrong.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

You should probably go get a tetanus shot.