By anal4me - 05/04/2012 20:07 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I got my license. Instead of congratulating me, my buddies created a betting pool for when I get into a serious accident. Thanks for the support. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 849
You deserved it 3 829

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glitterhinoceros 14

Run them over with your car.


jackeechan 10

You should be glad, hopefully theyll use that money to help pay for damages. Hopefully...

Lighten up; friends are supposed to tease each other. YDI for being way too sensitive.

I really wanna say prove em wrong but the stats are on their side. Best thing you can do is lay some cash on and go find someone parked in a handicap spot or actually brake hard on an asshole tailgater. That way the money you win will cover for the damages and you get to enjoy what most people wish they could but can't afford to do :-D

mariah_1_11 22

So did google get it right? ;)

It always is a joke like that...I am sure you are an excellent driver...

They wouldn't be your friends if they didn't bet on ya, dude.