By anal4me - 05/04/2012 20:07 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I got my license. Instead of congratulating me, my buddies created a betting pool for when I get into a serious accident. Thanks for the support. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 849
You deserved it 3 829

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glitterhinoceros 14

Run them over with your car.


I have a blonde friend Like that......

Lol this also happened to me but to this day no accidents lol this was 5 years ago haha good luck buddy!

KiddNYC1O 20

Seven years for me and in January was my first- fender bender.

When my friend got his permit I said I was investing in a bomb shelter. Kind of seems like a friend tradition to pretend to be scarred of one of your friends on the road. Of course I didn't actually bet money on any of my friends crashing...

That's how you know that he is a good friend. I'm not even joking

juicifer 0

With friends like that who needs asshole enemies?

hope you didnt post this while driving

I have no gold. So **** you for bringing me false hope.

1) 2 girls? Most girls would kick your Arse with no remorse. 2) Who's crying here? This site is just to show how life just plain sucks sometimes. Don't like it, leave this damn site

Dude congrats I just got mine a few days ago