By anal4me - 05/04/2012 20:07 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I got my license. Instead of congratulating me, my buddies created a betting pool for when I get into a serious accident. Thanks for the support. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 849
You deserved it 3 829

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glitterhinoceros 14

Run them over with your car.


I presume you mean your driver's license? "I got my license" could mean anything, even here.

One is unlikely to get into a crash by obtaining a fishing license so by extenion one's friends are unlikely to bet on such an incident. Therefore, I think it is fair to assume that the OP has gotten a driver's license.

bertman21 5

I'm not sure your right. I think maybe op got his bicycle license finally. I got mine at age 20 boy was that exciting.

Your mates are awesome, be glad of them.

AnimalLover1031 8

Dont take it serously OP their probally joking

It doesn't surprise me. When I got my license 2 years ago, my parents and friends did the same thing. Safe to say I have not been in any accidents. Prove them wrong!!

why you lie, if you live in Australia everyone knows the shitty drivers come from the coast.

Well I guess they don't get rides anywhere;) And you don't need their confidence

Kenatia 7

Your friends must really think low of your driving skills :)

hateevryone 14
twifan1901 0

I thought my friends were bad your friends however are worse!

iThotSo 3

Why on earth is OP's user name anal4me?

Perhaps they're just open about their sex life and what they enjoy.