By lovemyteacher - 14/11/2010 05:33 - United States
Same thing different taste
By aviators - 07/04/2009 18:37 - United States
Unfair failing
By Mistakes were made - 24/10/2022 23:00 - United States
Shut down
By Anonymous - 21/11/2020 23:03 - France
Classic rookie mistake
By Anonymous - 04/11/2023 20:00 - United States
By FireoftheFuture - 02/05/2013 11:02 - United States
Maths is hard
By Anonymous - 01/04/2014 17:07 - Canada - Cranbrook
By Anonymous - 23/04/2013 16:24 - United States
By Anonymous - 31/10/2011 16:22 - United States
By its ok to cheat!? - 20/02/2013 21:52 - United States - Brisbane
Nice try
By rutho - 27/03/2009 04:39 - United States
Top comments
it's called study.
I'm pretty sure science is compulsory and as you said year 9 I assume your from a commonwealth country which gives more reason to why science would be compulsory. If your not good at english or maths you fail life so its best to do well in every subject.
I dropped maths and science and doing year 12 next year now, subject choice-wise I went with Legal Studies, Business Management, Studio Art, English and POI (a non VCE subject.) I couldn't do well in maths because I hated it and wasn't good at it, same with science. I don't fail at life just because I'm not good at everything!
Studying doesn't always promise good results. The post suggests OP did care about the test so it's likely she did study for it. Some people don't have academic minds and subsequently don't do well in maths, science or languages no matter how hard they study. Failing academics doesn't mean you fail life though. Everyone is strong at something in life.
I've never studied in my life and I've passed evey test I've ever had.
Science 9 was a joke. I used my iPod half the time and I got an A in that class.
It happend to me to twise in physics i felt that i did bad, but somehow and dont ask i got 100 both times. me teacher is a guy and my friends always bother me that i go after school for "extra credit"
I hate when people cheat on tests especially when they ask me for answers cause I am good at science.
Well, it's a little rough to get by in life without an academic mind anymore... you could always be a business major.
31, learn a little humility. Sure tests may come easy to you, but they don't to everyone. People learn in different ways and have different strengths. If your profile is to be believed you're 12 anyway, so it's not much to brag about doing well in whatever gradeschool classes you're taking. Enjoy it while it lasts.
you're 13 years old. I don't even think tests needed studying at that age..
no you didn't you dumb bitch
24, win.
No, 24 does not win. Funz DID do very well and DOES own 2 salons. I should know - her minions cut my hair. Really. Don't make stupid comments that you can't back up. It makes you look foolish.
what is wrong with you ******* people. yes I did make that kind of money and why am I a dumb bitch for trying to post a comment that I DIDNT ******* lie about. and for you all that posted "win" for the dick heads that were just disrespful for no reason are just as ignorant! god damn. I don't need to take back anything. WTF. seriously.
I get on fml because I like to read the comments that are posted and so many people on here I think are hilarious. and I don't mind a good debate when it's silly and stays fun, but some of you on here are just flat out punks and **** it up for others with your "dumb bitch" comments and sometimes worse. so **** you. **** you **** you!!!!!!
#22 with such supple boobs as yours i'd go the way of the stripper, larger tips
24 and 45 win!
Sebastion, that's a drawing, friend. Go beat off to Dora. Funzee, don't feed the trolls. They say this crap to get a reaction from you, and you fell for it. Trolls are like mosquitos - they are really annoying and cause you to flail around a little, but if you ignore them they still bite you. Then you slap the shit out of them and they explode and squirt blood everywhere.
Trades often can make big bucks. Take a look at music instrument teachers. They can make ~50$/hr.
successful trolls were successful
ur a dick
WOW Ever heard of revising? Try it, it helps! :)
That sucks OP. I hate when you really study for a test and still fail it. I do that in math classes...pretty much every time.
Work harder on your edjumication.
You ******* RETART. It's edjumAcation! Dumbass.
golly gee guizez. I funkd engish and I liek to piss of grammer nazis
that sucks! but study or something.
well you're not a complete idiot, you were right in thinking you did horrible on the test
that's hardly an fml, that happens to so many people like daily. plus, you were expecting to do badly anyway. but what the teacher said was pretty funny :P
I don't understand why they moderated my comment, but okay
That sucks, but at least you asked about it instead of telling all your parents you got a good grade then getting a progress report with an F
how many parents does he have cuz I only have two and I don't really need another mom right now. although having lots of parents would be awesome for allowance

it's called study.
Work harder on your edjumication.