By mandy16 - 04/09/2010 03:43

Today, I got my wisdom teeth taken out. The two male doctors told me they'd give me anesthesia, but when they did, I could still hear them. I heard them talking about my breasts and how flat they were for a 17 year old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 227
You deserved it 3 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yeah. no worries, they're sad porno addicted men. who are married to saggy boob women

lol that sux. funny though and also a bit effed up since theyre adults and ur a minor.. so pretty innapropriate even though you were sposed to be knocked out they shouldn't be talking about you like that while they are working. so FYL.


Flat chests are hot, I am a 34e and I hate it!!!

stillirise98 4

Hey im with you on this im only a 36A bt im younger than you ...

hateevryone 14

i would have told their supervisor

that's funny I don't remember anything until hours after I got mine done

That's totally fudged up. Everyone has different sizes. And some mature faster than others.

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