By mandy16 - 04/09/2010 03:43

Today, I got my wisdom teeth taken out. The two male doctors told me they'd give me anesthesia, but when they did, I could still hear them. I heard them talking about my breasts and how flat they were for a 17 year old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 234
You deserved it 3 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yeah. no worries, they're sad porno addicted men. who are married to saggy boob women

lol that sux. funny though and also a bit effed up since theyre adults and ur a minor.. so pretty innapropriate even though you were sposed to be knocked out they shouldn't be talking about you like that while they are working. so FYL.


LittleMissRaven 0

Ugh!! Classic case of doctors being unprofessional douches.

Anaxes 5

How are they being Unprofessional hygiene products? Real doctors don't have personalities, I know.

alexaluvee 0

get over it. you can at least do something about it like stuffing your bra :P what if you were big chested.? then there would be absolutely nothing you can do about it unless you consider surgery. so in a way YDI

I got all 4 removed in one sitting and all they used was a local anesthetic. I could see, hear, smell, and feel (except my mouth) just fine. I couldn't taste well, though. Listening to Aerosmith and mixed Mexican music through noise cancelling headphones while they drilled in my mouth was sort of relaxing.

Thank god someone said something about local anesthesia. Why the **** would you be given full anethesia to remove teeth!? That doesnt make any sense, plus it is risky.

It does make sense in some cases. When I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed (in the same sitting), I was knocked right out. They didn't use laughing gas on me.

lovesuxz 0

Pizzaguy Your So Hott ! hehe !! ;D

if u are that upset about it then get an ass so that u have something to be proud of ... personally I like a woman to have smaller boobs (also like women older than me but whatever right) but I find larger women attractive too lol get over it there is nothing u can do about it anyways! freedom of speech... comments are not a reason to sue and they were not touching u or. u would have said that !! suck it up buttercup!

Write up what happened and send it to your county medical society (or have your parent do this). They have staff that will take care of this. And it needs to be taken care of. Medical professionals know that it's impossible to know what an anesthetized patient does and does not hear. I was once being treated in an emergency room for a seizure-like migraine and heard the doctor next door talking about "these damn women and their imaginary ailments," and how "that one in there said she'd tried acupuncture." When the nurse came to give me an injection, she was very kind and also clearly very embarrassed because there's no way I could not have heard that. I wrote the letter just as I advised you, and I got phone call a week later saying that the hospital administration had reprimanded the doctor and recorded the matter in his personnel file. These guys deserve the same.

Anaxes 5

I'm just going to note that reprimanding means absolutely nothing, you fell for pseudo-justice.

it's anesthetics... not anesthesia ms. I'm too high to know the difference.