By reallyhighschool - 03/12/2013 16:34 - United States - Torrance

Today, I got nominated to sit in a chair in the middle of the gym during a high school rally while the entire school got to throw paper balls at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 985
You deserved it 4 670

Same thing different taste

Top comments

feldco1 17

I'm curious as to why they do this and if it occurs every year.

So your school is actively advocating singling someone out and bullying them? Wooooooow...change schools.


You got off easy! At least it's not spit balls. Or paint balls. Or bowling balls.

I was thinking Monty Python when they have the "cow-tapult" lol

CallMeWindSock 24

Could've been worse: tennis balls, golf balls, baseballs, human balls...

perdix 29

I'm sure you're going to have nightmares about all of those balls coming at your face.

what the hell? it's all fun. at my university profs get nominated and we get to throw pies at their face! but it's for charity.

My school had a senior auction...but having the seniors so random things sounds great... I really hope you are a senior...

Did you really agree to this? Unless they tricked you; like you volunteer for one thing & they did another. This still is really messed up.

The school should not have allowed that... In my school were not even allowed to boo people for pep rally's or say negative comments to other schools on game days.

That must be nice. My school booed another schools marching band at a football game while the news was there. Both bands apologized to each other (they booed us back) because neither principals cared. Oh but let's not forget that it is completely unacceptable to boo football players.

JMichael 25

Sounds like quite an honor if you ask me.

aedan12 15

Not gonna lie, with a smaller group I think I would enjoy it. I suppose if OP is super shy though, that would be torture.