By Anonymous - 15/01/2016 17:47 - United States - Winona

Today, I got pulled off a hugely important project, all because I accidentally spelled "country" as "cuntry" in an email to our client. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 741
You deserved it 16 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steffi3 40

If it's so important, you should have triple checked. So, YDI

Don't you know it's impolite to call clients a ****?


Most likely not the only reason but just the last ..

Possibly the client got really offended and caused a scene so OP's boss figured the best option was to drop him from the project.

To be honest op I would take you off the project too. If you are making that sort of mistake without checking your work it would make me question the rest of it as that was just an email. I guess that will teach you to proof read things that you send out.

Pulled off the project? You're lucky to still be in the job. especially if you're reaction is to come on here bleating about how your life sucks.

You could try to see if you can take it back because some allow you to undo a sent email.

RedPillSucks 31

once the recipient reads the email, you cannot take it back

YDI, you're lucky you only got pulled off and not fired for it. If it was that important, quality is key and taking an extra second to see spell check/prof read would've done you good.

I always run it through spell check and run over it myself a few times before sending either way, no matter how important. YDI