By Anonymous - 09/07/2016 21:22

Today, I got pulled over and was given a ticket because my exhaust was too loud. I got this ticket while on my way to get said exhaust fixed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 294
You deserved it 1 014

Same thing different taste

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On the bright side, they'll probably waive the ticket once they know you got it fixed. Still inconvenient though


you should be able to get the fine waved if you show its fixed

Fix the exhaust. Take the ticket and labor ticket/receipt to the courthouse and have it deferred. Your ticket will be dismissed, you're welcome.

take the recept to court abs explain it to the judge

I had the same thing happen with a burned out brake light. I took the ticket and dated invoice from the repair shop to court and the judge dismissed the ticket on the spot

To be fair I'm sure a lot of people say that in order to get out of the ticket. As long as you have proof you actually got it fixed they will most likely waive it.

Find out the court date (or find out how to plead by mail) and take your ticket in with your receipt that says you got it fixed. Good chance it will be dismissed.

If you broke the law, you broke the law. I don't see why where you going while breaking said law magically negates the break. "But officer, I was going to the shop to get a fourth wheel, so you can't ticket me for driving on only three." Exaggeration but hopefully it gets my point across.

No, it doesn't, because you can't drive with three. Three tires and a spare maybe, but not three wheels.

If you provide evidence that you got this repair the same day you got the ticket you can easily fight the ticket in court.

It depends on where you live. I know down here in the Houston, Texas area, the LEOs give you one free pass so long as the next time any of the local officers spot you, you've fixed/updated whatever need to get changed.