By teardrops - 21/09/2010 08:50 - Australia

Today, I got punched in the face by a girl for asking if she was okay after I had seen her crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 504
You deserved it 5 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

he wasn't being a dick he was showing concern but the stupid irrational bitch punched him

don't worry op. karma will take care of it


Welcome to the world of dealing with women. At least the ones who are, as someone put it here, 'stupid irrational b!tches.'

gaga_fierce 0

Eh, well I see you had good intentions OP, but lesson be learned- girls can be very sensitive and emotional. Don't take it personally, she was obviously in a bad mood because of whatever reason she was crying about.


Shit like that happends op, dnt worry bout it

MidnightBlossom 2

Gimme a P! Gimme a M! Gimme a S! What's that spell? BIOTCH! But seriously, pwned.

ydi for farting on her making her cry in the first place

if she's crying then shes not alright, obviously. duhh