By whatadisappointmnet - 05/11/2011 18:58 - United States

By whatadisappointmnet - 05/11/2011 18:58 - United States
By verno02 - 10/08/2010 23:58 - Canada
By :(((( - 27/04/2011 06:54
By Drafrica - 13/10/2014 10:20 - South Africa
By HaedLei - 26/11/2013 12:17 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/03/2021 00:30
By isoheartcaitlin - 25/08/2009 03:34 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/07/2022 03:00 - United States - Saint Paul
By Anonymous - 19/06/2022 06:00 - Spain
By addictedtofml - 24/02/2009 07:31 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/08/2012 17:15 - United States - Noblesville
An honest man, like every boyfriend should be :)
^^^ likes to **** gods
^ well ******* a god would be simply divine...
In the butt
Liyla you would break up with him for telling the truth? I find that kind of strange since girls always put on Facebook, twitter, etc. that they have always wanted a guy that's honest with them. Maybe you're different and don't like honest guys but most would rather have an honest boyfriend who they know they can trust.
Hope he ment yours
Seeing as it's plural.
Ata' Boy
Ata' Boy
THREESOME!!! Sorry that was uncalled for... I'll crawl back into my hole now
The only uncalled for threesome I've ever heard of was Hillary, Joe, and Barack. You did just fine.
I applaud you, 50.
58- I applaud your pic. XD
Well thank you lol
what's wrong with innocent fantasies its not like he's cheating
offer him some happy place
"would you like to be In a happy place too baby?"
hahaha 55
OPs bf knows his shit
That's a good response that means he likes sex, nothing bad about that.
That's my happy place too!
He can be in multiple ******* at the same time? The man must be a mutant!
Or just that freaking good!
Leopard slugs have penises in their head. Takes giving head to a whole new level.
Or perhaps he isn't a man at all, and is simply an octopus.
Hope he ment yours