By preggersss - 19/07/2009 02:27 - United States

Today, I got sick in the airsick bag as my flight landed. The woman next to me, trying to make me feel better, says "Don't handle landings too well?" I responded "No, I actually fly fine, I'm just 8 weeks pregnant." She looked at my left hand, noticed no ring, rolled her eyes and looked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 639
You deserved it 17 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You people do realize that not all people exchange rings when they are getting married. My cousins are SDA and they don't believe in wedding rings. They have three kids and I would hate for people to look down on her just b/c she isn't wearing a ring when she has been married for many years now.

Xinabeth 0

Some people don't believe in a god, so the choose to not be married under a god. Marriage is a religious concept; if you don't have a religion, why bother getting married? Just because someone isn't married doesn't mean they can't have kids. That lady was quite rude :(


She doesn't have a right to do that. Maybe you would've left it wherever (bag maybe) in case you lose it?

Kov3nant 2

my aunt and uncle have been together for over 25 years. happily i might add. they have a 24 yr old son and 3 daughters between the ages of 10 and 18. why do people assume that no marriage = no daddy? the only reason to get married anymore is tax breaks.

aren't you not supposed to fly when your pregnant ?

She doesn't know your current situation and the reasons you may not be married for. Don't worry too much about what she thinks. People like her deserve to be thrown up on (hint hint).

needsagf14 12

Well honestly it's better than just giving up

She shouldn't judge you for having no ring. She does not know your circumstances. She also doesn't know if you left the ring elsewhere for its safety, if the op is married.

YDI, Harlot! Nah, JK. Marriage doesn't mean all of the things that it used to, and people need to remember that.

eccentricchic 5

Im assuming she just stepped out of a time capsule from 1950 everyone isn't traditional nowadays and it isn't a crime how dare she