By bradix1186 - 21/02/2015 18:00 - Philippines - Kidapawan

Today, I got the most tear-jerking comment so far about my severe stutter. While I was talking to my neighbor, his little brother interrupted and asked me if I was possessed by a demon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 429
You deserved it 2 592

bradix1186 tells us more.

Hello everyone. I never thought it would get published. I sort of just powered up my computer and felt I had to vent here after it happened. But it's okay though. I'm used to the bickering comments I receive. But I refuse to concede to the negative effects that come with it; I'm a happy person. To those who are sympathetic to what I have, I'm forever grateful while I also am but all sympathetic to those who are not.

Top comments

nesteremily 31

I would have said, "Yes, and you're next."

xivoricbutterfly 25


ARACHNAPO!!! Political Officer and Prisoner Polenyn

I hope your neighbor's little brother is a child ?

He was just a kid grow up and get over it no need to cry

burnman99 1

I would have twitched my head a few times and said "maybe..."

Notverycreeative 13

Use it to teach him in future situations, don't get sad about you you are.. Silly things like being possessed don't define who YOU are as a person :)

I kinda have a thing for people with stutters. I like it

Don't know whether that's creepy or nice.

OP I know how you feel. I have had a stutter ever since I was a kid and was made fun of because of it. People thought I was mentally retarded. The funny thing is I'm a straight A student that has been taking numerous honors and AP classes all throughout high school.