By bradix1186 - 21/02/2015 18:00 - Philippines - Kidapawan

Today, I got the most tear-jerking comment so far about my severe stutter. While I was talking to my neighbor, his little brother interrupted and asked me if I was possessed by a demon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 429
You deserved it 2 592

bradix1186 tells us more.

Hello everyone. I never thought it would get published. I sort of just powered up my computer and felt I had to vent here after it happened. But it's okay though. I'm used to the bickering comments I receive. But I refuse to concede to the negative effects that come with it; I'm a happy person. To those who are sympathetic to what I have, I'm forever grateful while I also am but all sympathetic to those who are not.

Top comments

nesteremily 31

I would have said, "Yes, and you're next."

xivoricbutterfly 25


serslybro 20

How old was he? It could be rude but funny if he's younger. But when you're dealing with something like a stutter even the smallest comment can be devastating. I'm sorry op!

Some people think anything is caused by demons: mental illness, epilepsy, trouble walking - anything. It is ignorance I think but you should know that most people wouldn't think that and those that do, might well think other people with other problems are possessed too and it is ignorance. I hope you are ok.

I'm very sorry to hear that OP. I also stutter, so I know your struggle. I would suggest going to a speech therapist, it helped me a lot. Best of luck to you and don't mind that mean comments, people are ignorant sometimes.

He's just trying to cover up the fact HE'S possessed.

Kids can say the stupidest things, but don't let that deter you from talking loud and proud!

Hello everyone. I never thought it would get published. I sort of just powered up my computer and felt I had to vent here after it happened. But it's okay though. I'm used to the bickering comments I receive. But I refuse to concede to the negative effects that come with it; I'm a happy person. To those who are sympathetic to what I have, I'm forever grateful while I also am but all sympathetic to those who are not.

Can't you take speech therapy for stuttering? My brother had a really bad stutter when he was younger, he got therapy and now he speaks fluently. Sometimes he mumbles a bit tho but he's working on that

Yes you can go to speech therapy, but it's not a cure all for stuttering. Speech therapy just teaches you tricks in order to speak as fluent as possible and how to get out of those hard jams you can get into as a person who stutters. Op you just need to stay positive about yourself and not care about what others think of you. As a person who stutters and went to speech therapy I get people asking me all the time about my stutter saying things, " can't you just talk normally? It should just come out like a normal sentence." I have just figured out its people not really knowing much about stuttering and what it's like to stutter.

A stutter isn't that easily fixed because it is the brain basically overcorrecting itself. Basically you are speaking, but your brain thinks you didn't say a certain part of the word, so it hits resend. Think of when your computer freezes and you madly click on things but end up with like 40 error messges.

I also have severe stutter. I moved in to Europe from Asia 3 years ago for higher studies. Lots lots of my exams were oral. You know how horrible a stutterer can feel about an oral exam. But before every oral exam I used to tell the professor that I am a stutterer and I may not answer as many questions in the given time like others. Each and every professor were so kind and told me not to worry about the timing. They told me to relax and concentrate on the correct answer, not how you are telling the answer. I also appeared for 3 job interview and got offered from all of them with a 100% success rate. Now I am working in one company and i am one of the highest paid employee here. I got a girlfriend and now we are planning for marriage. So my dear, at the end of the day it matters what you can talk about, not how you talk.

Wow! you truly are an inspiration not just to me but to the whole community who stutter! It is rough out there but I try to identify every bit of positive reason why I carry this. I believe you. Thank you.

Wow! What a wonderful way to think and take control of something that effects your life and make it a positive for you and not something to bring you down :)

Daelynn_17 19

Wow. Very well put. Excellent. I was literally filling up with pride as I was reading this. WOW. WOW. WOW. Like I said earlier. Very well put.